Shauneen Crocker » K-2 Rocky Fork Elementary School Counselor

K-2 Rocky Fork Elementary School Counselor

School counselors are highly educated, professionally certified individuals who help students succeed in school and plan their career. An integral part of the total education system, school counselors help students form healthy goals, mindsets and behaviors. With the aid of a school counselor, students learn to develop effective collaboration and cooperation skills, to practice perseverance, to develop time management and study skills, and to learn self-motivation and self-direction habits. 
At Rocky Fork Elementary as the K-2 School Counselor, along with Mrs. Braxton the 3-5 School Counselor, our vision is to continue the collaborative culture at RFE and take scholars where they are at and move them forward academically, social-emotionally, and include career readiness.
This year in our School Counseling Department to assist in our vision we will be focused on teaching the Core Essentials. The Core Essentials combines character education with social-emotional learning with a monthly character trait our school is focused on. Here is the link to the curriculum:
If you would like to know more about our School Counseling program or would like to visit about your child my phone number is 615-904-6785 ext. 32510 or you can email me at [email protected]. I am also on ClassDojo, too! My office hours are every Tuesday and Thursday 7:00-9:00am and I am happy to visit!